As the holiday season ends and the days get somewhat back to normal, it is time for the “Annual MC&MCA Meeting.” In January of each year, in a true democratic style, we invite all of our contractor and supplier members to meet, be briefed, and be brought up to speed on what the association is doing for its members. Impute and reaction is wanted and encouraged!
Thursday, January 16 | 4:30 PM | Grumpy’s Grill | 2801 Snelling Avenue | Roseville, MN 55113
As the holiday season ends and the days get somewhat back to normal, it is time for the “Annual MC&MCA Meeting.” In January of each year, in a true democratic style, we invite all of our contractor and supplier members to meet, be briefed, and be brought up to speed on what the association is doing for its members. Impute and reaction is wanted and encouraged!
Members will be briefed on the status of labor negotiations. The current three-year labor contracts expire on April 30 and will need to be renewed with the building trades that serve as our partners in our businesses. Mike Hart of American Masonry Restoration and Jim Turitto of Bulach Custom Rock will serve as co-chairs of our negotiations team. The MC&MCA teams with the AGC and the other construction management organizations in the discussions with the building trades representatives every three years to discuss, debate, and finalize a three-year contract for wages and fringe benefits. Formed through a merger of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Masonry Associations in 1964, the MC&MCA has served the concrete and masonry contractors and suppliers that provide materials and other services since then. However, the negotiations of a labor wage and benefits payment and managing the fringe trust funds investment for workers remains the #1 priority.
At the Annual Meeting, members will also be electing a new president to lead the MC&MCA and electing new board members to serve two-year terms on the board as well.
Members will be briefed on the new 2019 budget. Emphasis continues on marketing to the design community, to win back market share for masonry and concrete materials and workers, and worker recruitment is also a strongly backed and funded effort of the MC&MCA in recent years.
It is an honor personally to serve, yet also an honor to represent your company on the board! We are still looking for general contractors, concrete and masonry contractors, and suppliers to run for the board. As mentioned, it is a two-year commitment. The board meets monthly over the noon hour. We have three standing committees. Board members are expected to serve on one of the committees. Let me know if you are interested in running, you will enjoy the experience a great deal!
Happy New Year!
Gary Botzek, MC&MCA Executive Director