The 2019 budget of $274,750 in income and $273,600 in expenses was reviewed and approved by the annual meeting attendees. No dues increase will be needed to accommodate this budget. The attendees also reviewed committee reports from the three standing committees: Membership, Marketing, and Workforce Development. Chairmen of the committees called for and requested volunteers to serve on their committees. Committee members do not need to be members of the board. Serving on committees is a good experience to become familiar with the inner workings of the association and prepare one to possibly serve on the board in the future. The highlight of the meeting was the election of the new board.
If you would like to receive a copy of the annual meeting minutes and/or the budget feel free to email and we will get them to you. |
Patrick Vogt, Vice President for Donald R. Frantz Concrete Construction, LLC, was elected the MC&MCA 2019-2020 president. Vogt has worked for Donald R. Frantz for 10 years. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Vogt has led construction projects ranging from schools, churches, hospitals, senior living centers, and apartment complexes. He is married with one child and a second expected in the spring. Donald R. Frantz Concrete Construction, LLC is a founding member of the MC&MCA. The company was established in 1952 and operates under the motto of “providing quality workmanship on all its projects.” |
The new MC&MCA board of directors and officers for 2018-2019 include: President: Patrick Vogt ǀ Donald R. Frantz Concrete Construction, LLC President-Elect: Dan Brenteson ǀ McGough Companies, Inc. Secretary: Kirt O’Konek ǀ Stoneworks Architectural Precast/Cast Stone Treasurer: Steve Brock ǀ Construction Midwest, Inc. Past President: Dan Francois ǀ Kraus-Anderson Construction Company General Contractors: Matt Ecklund ǀ JE Dunn Construction Matt Lennartson ǀ Adolfson & Peterson Construction Masonry & Concrete Contractors: Jamie Gibson ǀ Rice Lake Construction Group Chad Grazzini ǀ Carciofini Company Michael Lapensky ǀ Twin City Tile and Marble Company Tom Miller ǀ Advanced Masonry Restoration Associates: John Haupt ǀ American Engineering Testing Denver O’Brien ǀ Amcon Concrete Products, LLC Zach Quinn ǀ Brock White Company John Thomas ǀ TCC Materials Larry Thompson ǀ American Artstone Company |